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Solar Array Project

West Raleigh Presbyterian Church has gone solar!

IMG 6797Our solar array consists of 50 solar panels with a maximum generating output of 15.5 kW of power when the sun is brightest. Given seasonal and weather variables, we anticipate this system will generate as much as 19,000 kWh of energy over a typical year. This will reduce our CO2 output by as much as 29,000 tons per year.

The panels were installed in late 2015 by the local solar installer NC Solar Now. We are very grateful to all of the church members who donated so generously to make this solar system a reality. What a great way to help care for God’s creation!

The Array

The solar panels should generate ~19,000 kWh/year for at least 25 years. Electricity generated will be used by the church. Any excess will be sold to Duke Power through net metering. The system is expected to reduce our electric bill by approximately $2,400 per year.

Is it big enough to run the church?

Not in the summer. Air conditioning is a huge consumer of power. In fall and spring, it is likely that solar will be sufficient (or nearly sufficient) on many weekdays. Over a year, the proposed solar installation will provide roughly 10% of the church’s consumption of power

Each year the solar array should generate about 19,000 kWh of power.

In one year this is equivalent to:

Removing 29,000 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Removing 120 pounds of sulfur dioxide from the atmosphere

Removing 40 pounds of nitrogen oxides from the atmosphere

Removing 31,194 vehicle-miles from the road

Preventing 14,072 pounds of coal from being burned

Planting 336 trees to help sequester carbon

For calculations, see


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