West Raleigh's Amazing Youth (Elementary Sunday School Class) have been busy in October seeing and sharing God’s Light. In the wake of Hurricane Helene, the High School Youth and Amazing Youth practiced being good neighbors, filling six emergency buckets that have already been dispatched to Western North Carolina through Church World Service.
Last Sunday, after peeping out of the classroom’s 2nd floor window into the Courtyard, the elementary class built our own sukkah in the classroom. Inside our sukkah we watched a video to learn about the Jewish fall holiday. You may want to watch it too! It is both entertaining and informative.
WRPC welcomed Hillel, the NCSU Jewish student center, to build a hut called a sukkah in the Courtyard. What an opportunity to learn more about the Jewish fall holiday of thanksgiving, Sukkot! We discussed that this celebration commemorates the Hebrew people's time in the wilderness after the Exodus from Egypt. You can read more about the origins of Sukkot in Leviticus 23:33–34 and Exodus 23:16.
The roof of the sukkah should offer shade while also letting God’s light inside. On Sukkot, families welcome guests into their sukkah, or visit friends in theirs, enjoy delicious seasonal foods, and give thanks for God’s provision. Through creating a thanksgiving paper chain, we shared our thanks to God. Then as an act of hospitality, we invited the preschool class to join us in a snack picnic. What a fun way to learn about this ancient story and practice that is part of the foundation of our faith!